Cindy Journey

Cindy Journey’s unique sculptural style started with a failed attempt at knitting a scarf. The self-declared “lousy knitter” liked the effect of the random dropped and added stitches and thought this abstract knitting could be turned into something new.

For Stalemate, Cindy knit an abstract shape using paper wrapped in Japanese silk thread. It was then shaped and treated with copper paint to create an effect that looks like wire or cast copper.

The artist described the inspiration behind this piece: “I created this piece after the 2016 presidential election. We have all witnessed the stark division in the State of Our Union. This sculpture represents how we are currently unwilling to listen to each other, work together, or see one another’s perspectives. Empathy and collaboration seem to have all but disappeared, not only from government and the media, but also our society more broadly. In a stalemate, there is no progress and no one wins.”

Cindy Journey working in her studio