Directions For Care of a Tattoo Mark Which Has Been Removed

Directions For care of a Tattoo Mark which has been removed. 1. One hour after tattoo mark has been worked on, take bandage off. 2. DO not apply salve or water to the tattoo mark, as it prevents drawing out the inks. 3. Sometimes pus forms under the scab. DO not become frightened. Just pierce the scab with a needle which has been sanitized. Squeeze out the pus. If it should get inflamed put on a poultice of bread and milk for a few hours, let dry thoroughly. 4. DO not pick off the scab. Let it fall off naturally. It should take from 18 to 21 days for the scab to fall off. 5. The skin will appear pink at first but will gradually bleach out natural. 6. If any spots should remain after three months, come back and get the remainder removed. There is no charge. E.W. Liberty Tattoo expert

Directions For Care of a Tattoo Mark Which Has Been Removed
Edward W. Liberty
Boston, c. 1935
Collection of Historic New England