
Eve is meant to prompt people to think about women’s struggles, from biblical times to today’s world. Eve calls viewers to connect with the beauty of the female form—yet be jarred by the irregularities and broken forms. Looking beneath the surface, the viewer can contemplate what is happening today: the “#MeToo” movement; the responsibilities of home and work, now escalated by the COVID-19 pandemic; as well as inequities in salary and promotion. Art can prompt us to stop and think and move toward change and bring innovation in today’s world. The name Eve is derived from a root meaning “to live.” Eve represents the essential life and the maternal function of all women.


Jay Block, curator at Bridgewater University, wrote of Melanie Zibit’s work: “Her work isn’t a mistake. It is very well done on the conceptual and technical level…the smooth, round edges of Zibit’s work convey a sensuous nature.”

Zibit is inspired by ancient and modern sculptors, using the classical materials of marble and bronze and the forms found in nature to create a modern statement. Zibit’s passion for carving marble was inspired by her college professor. Aware of her affinity and ability for carving, her professor told her, “You must go to Italy after graduation to learn to carve from the masters.” Over the years Zibit has returned to Italy many times to work in the marble workshops and bronze foundries. Her worked has evolve from living in diverse artistic communities: traditional and conceptual artists; rural and urban; Italy, Maine, Vermont, New York City, and Boston.

Zibit has been honored with awards and commissions and her pieces have been displayed in private collections, museums, universities and art festivals throughout New England, New York, Georgia, and Oregon.  She is included in publications, such as 100 Artists of New England and Vermont’s Carving Out a Dream. Her large outdoor pieces can be seen commemorating Middleborough, Mass., Library’s Centennial and welcoming visitors to North Conway’s New Hampshire Settlers Green Market Place. Her awards include the renowned Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club in New York City, the Cape Cod Art Association, and the Concord, Mass., Art Association. She also received Best Sculpture in the International Online figurative exhibit of Light and Space April 2017 and 2ndplace 2021 in this year’s 3-dimension Women’s International Online Exhibit. She appears in the March 2021 issue 22 of Spotlight International Magazinehttps://circle-arts.com/spotlight-22/
