
Bearing witness through an uneasy juxtaposition of materials, I examine the commodification and marginalization of beauty in both women and nature. I extract the innate essence found within detritus from industry and nature. Through seemingly contradictory materials, I poeticize the commonplace evoking grace, fluidity, and vulnerability. Subject, material, and maker are all culturally marginalized: rusty metal, seed husks, and women. Like women and nature, these sculptures evoke beauty as strength, resilience, and potential.


Nature is my muse. Inspiration comes from my personal life experience. The work of art is a byproduct of the creative process, which is life itself. I am a collector of seedpods, corks, and rusty bits. My practice is one of experimentation. With experimentation comes repetition, working in multiples and series. I exploit the possibilities of play and improvisation creating, an ambiguous coexistence of subtlety and surprise. My approach to creativity allows chance to play a vital role. My material choice stems from a proclivity for eclecticism and irony. Biomorphic forms evoke a synthesis between creative thought and the senses.

All I ever wanted to do was to make stuff, to get my hands dirty. A decades-long exploration of materials and processes has kept me on a fabulous journey. My projects explore materiality and form. I maintain an active studio practice and exhibition schedule while teaching in the Architecture department at Norwich University. Commission work continues to flow. I am fortunate, making is part of my everyday life.

Sculptor, Painter, Weaver, Dancer, Dreamer
