Man Whittling
Gertrude FiskePainters trained at the Boston Museum School were well known for their figural studies – most often for their portrayals of upper-class women in domestic settings. Gertrude Fiske attained the technical virtuosity of many of her contemporaries, but her studies included male models as well as female ones. In these examples you can see how she used a single model to evoke strikingly different moods.

Gertrude Fiske's Studio

In this video the artist’s great-niece describes what it feels like to visit Gertrude Fiske’s studio, still intact more than fifty years after the artist’s death on her family’s property outside of Boston.
Video courtesy of the Portsmouth Historical Society. Produced by Steve Sanger of oneminutebrands in conjunction with Gertrude Fiske: American Master, a major exhibition that was held at the Portsmouth Historical Society in 2018.