The COVID-19 pandemic and the political and societal events of the last year shone a light on the many cracks straining the nation. Historic New England and the New England Sculptors Association asked sculptors to show us how they have responded to this unprecedented time with their art. The pieces in this exhibition represent many of the issues that were on our minds in 2020: isolation and fear in a global pandemic; the societal inequities that the pandemic exposed; calls for action and social justice on an incredible scale; environmental concerns; and calls for equal rights for all. We invite you to explore these powerful works in the landscape. The full artist statements and additional information can be found at the links below.
We want to know how the last year has affected you, too. Click here to share your experience and learn about upcoming programs to help you express yourself. You can also vote for your favorite piece in the exhibition for the People’s Choice Award.
Exhibition is on view until October 31. Grounds are open dawn to dusk and no ticket is needed.

Exhibition Map
1 Alfano, Gates of Transcendence
2 Blake, Charwoman
3 Blake, Luna
4 Dellenbaugh, Gifts of the Three Wise Women
5 Doyon, Ripping Stitches
6 Duffy, Asphyxiation
7 Duffy, Longer Boats
8 Elardo, Strange Fruit
9 Elardo, Them
10 Fadial, Milkweed Steel
11 Fadial, Wildflower
12 Fletcher, Cry of the Sky
13 Fletcher, No Shelter
14 Gray, Worlds Whirling Apart
15 Grinbergs, Hands Up Don’t Shoot!
16 Hutt, George Floyd
17 Karoff, Snowman for Warming Latitudes
18 Lord, Exhausted
19 Lord, Our Better Angel
20 Lorieo, Bound
21 McCarthy, Pandemonium, A Self Portrait
22 Osborn, Caterpillar Curl
23 Plaisted, The Missing Year
24 Rice, Solidarity
25 Stanley, Alluminata Mars 2021
26 Stanley, TriOlogy -The Harmony of Spheres
27 Updike, My 2020 Gravestone
28 Zibit, Eve